var presentation = ["One Grain of Rice by Demi<\/phrase>","Long ago<\/word>","India<\/word>","raja<\/word>","wise and fair<\/word>","his province<\/word>","rice farmers<\/word>","decreed<\/word>","give nearly all of their rice<\/word>","store the rice<\/word>","no one will go hungry<\/word>","Long ago<\/strong> in India<\/strong>, there lived a raja<\/strong> who believed he was wise and fair<\/strong>, as a raja<\/strong> should be. The people in his province<\/strong> were rice farmers<\/strong>. The raja<\/strong> decreed<\/strong> that everyone must give nearly all of their rice<\/strong> to him. \"I will store the rice<\/strong> safely,\" the raja<\/strong> promised the people, \"so that in time of famine, everyone will have rice to eat, and no one will go hungry<\/strong>.\" Each year, the raja<\/strong>'s rice collectors gathered nearly all of the people's rice and carried it away to the royal storehouses.<\/phrase>","many years<\/word>","rice grew<\/word>","one year<\/word>","famine and hunger<\/word>","no rice to give<\/word>","no rice to eat<\/word>","raja's ministers implored him<\/word>","give the rice to the people<\/word>","raja must not go hungry<\/word>","For many years<\/strong>, the rice grew<\/strong> well. The people gave nearly all of their rice to the raja<\/strong>, and the storehouses were always full. But the people were left with only enough rice to get by. Then one year<\/strong> the rice grew<\/strong> badly and there was famine and hunger<\/strong>. The people had no rice to give<\/strong> to the raja<\/strong>, and they had no rice to eat<\/strong>. The raja's ministers implored him<\/strong>, \"Your highness, let us open the royal storehouses and give the rice to the people<\/strong>, as you promised.\" \"No!\" cried the raja<\/strong>. How do I know how long the famine will last? I must have the rice for myself. Promis or no promise, a raja must not go hungry<\/strong>!\"<\/phrase>","Time went on<\/word>","more hungry<\/word>","raja ordered a feast for himself<\/word>","elephant<\/word>","full baskets of rice<\/word>","village girl<\/word>","Rani<\/word>","rice was falling<\/word>","catching the falling rice<\/word>","clever<\/word>","Time went on<\/strong>, and the people grew more and more hungry<\/strong>. But the raja<\/strong> would not give out the rice. One day, the raja ordered a feast for himself<\/strong> and his court--as, it seemed to him, a raja<\/strong> should now and then, even when there is famine. A servant led an elephant<\/strong> from a royal storehouse to the palace, carrying two full baskets of rice<\/strong>. A village girl<\/strong> named Rani<\/strong> saw that a trickle of rice was falling<\/strong> from one of the baskets. Quickly she jumped up and walked along beside the elephant<\/strong>, catching the falling rice<\/strong> in her skirt. She was clever<\/strong>, and she began to make a plan.<\/phrase>","I am not a thief<\/word>","Rani's good deed<\/word>","reward you<\/word>","you shall have it<\/word>","give me one grain of rice<\/word>","At the palace, a guard cried, \"Halt, theif! Where are you going with that rice?\".\n\"I am not a thief<\/strong>,\" Rani<\/strong> replied. \"This rice fell from one of the baskets, and I am returning it now to the raja<\/strong>.\" When the raja<\/strong> heard about Rani's good deed<\/strong>, he asked his ministers to bring her before him. \"I wish to reward you<\/strong> for returning what belongs to me,\" the raja<\/strong> said to Rani<\/strong>. \"Ask me for anything, and you shall have it<\/strong>.\"\n\"Your highness,\" said Rani<\/strong>, \"I do not deserve any reward at all. But if you wish, you may give me one grain of rice<\/strong>.\"<\/phrase>","reward you more plentifully<\/word>","reward me in this way<\/word>","single grain of rice<\/word>","each day<\/word>","thirty days<\/word>","double the rice you gave me<\/word>","two grains of rice<\/word>","next day<\/word>","modest reward<\/word>","\"Only one grain of rice?\" exclaimed the raja<\/strong>. \"Surely you will allow me to reward you more plentifully<\/strong>, as a raja<\/strong> should\".\n\"Very well,\" said Rani<\/strong>. \"If it pleased Your Highness, you may reward me in this way<\/strong>. Today, you will give me a single grain of rice<\/strong>. Then, each day<\/strong> for thirty days<\/strong> you will give me double the rice you gave me<\/strong> the day before. Thus, tomorrow you will give me two grains of rice<\/strong>, the next day<\/strong> four grains of rice, and so on for thirty day.\" \"This seems to be a modest reward<\/strong>,\" said the raja<\/strong>. \"But you shall have it<\/strong>.\" And Rani<\/strong> was presented with a single grain of rice<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","ninth day<\/word>","two hundred fifty-six grains of rice<\/word>","small handful<\/word>","enough rice for two bags<\/word>","The next day<\/strong>, Rani<\/strong> was presented with two grains of rice<\/strong>.\nAnd the following day, Rani<\/strong> was presented with four grains of rice.\nOn the ninth day<\/strong>, Rani<\/strong> was presented with two hundred fifty-six grains of rice<\/strong>. She had received in all five hundred and eleven grains of rice, enough for only a small handful<\/strong>.\n\"This girl is honest, but not very clever<\/strong>,\" thought the raja<\/strong>. \"She would have gained more rice by keeping what fell into her skirt!\"\nOn the twelfth day, Rani<\/strong> received two thousand and forty-eight grains of rice, about four handfuls.\nOn the thirteenth day, she received four thousand and ninety-six grains of rice, enough to fill a bowl.\nOn the sixteenth day, Rani<\/strong> was presented with a bag containing thirty-two thousand, seven hundred and sixty-eight grains of rice. All together she had enough rice for two bags<\/strong>.\n\"This doubling up adds up to more rice than I expected\" thought the raja<\/strong>. \"But surely her reward won't amount to much more.\"<\/phrase>","twentieth day<\/word>","twenty-seventh day<\/word>","sixty-four baskets of rice<\/word>","On the twentieth day<\/strong>, Rani<\/strong> was presented with sixteen more bags filled with rice.\nOn the twenty-first day, she received one million, forty-eight thousand, five hundred and seventy-six grains of rice, enough to fill a basket.\nOn the twenty-fourth day, Rani<\/strong> was presented with eight million, three hundred and eighty-eight thousand, six hundred and eight grains of rice--enough to fill eight baskets, which were carried to her by eight royal deer.\nOn the twenty-seventh day<\/strong>, thirty-two brahma bulls were needed to deliver sixty-four baskets of rice<\/strong>. The raja<\/strong> was deeply troubled. \"One grain of rice has grown very great indeed,\" he thought. \"But I shall fulfill the reward to the end, as a raja<\/strong> should.\"<\/phrase>","final day<\/word>","Five hundred and thirty-six million, eight hundred and seventy thousand, nine hundred and twelve grains of rice<\/word>","On the twenty-ninth day<\/strong>, Rani<\/strong> was presented with the contents of two royal storehouses.\nOn the thirtieth and final day<\/strong>, two hundred and fifty-six elephants crossed the province, carrying the contents of the last four royal storehouses--Five hundred and thirty-six million, eight hundred and seventy thousand, nine hundred and twelve grains of rice<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","raja had no more rice to give<\/word>","what will you do with this rice<\/word>","All together, Rani<\/strong> had received more than one billion grains of rice. The raja had no more rice to give<\/strong>. \"And what will you do with this rice<\/strong>,\" said the raja<\/strong> with a sigh, \"now that I have none?\"\n\"I shall give it to all the hungry people,\" said Rani<\/strong>, \"and I shall leave a basket of rice for you, too, if you promise from now on to take only as much rice as you need.\"\n\"I promise,\" said the raja<\/strong>. And for the rest of his days, the raja<\/strong> was truly wise and fair<\/strong>, as a raja<\/strong> should be.<\/phrase>"]; var currentPosition = 0; var totalPositions = 0; var timePerWord = 1500; var timePerPhraseWord = 120 var readAheadPlayerTimer; var autoPlay = true; var setMinimized = false; var wordSpeedOptions = {'Slower':2000,'Moderate':1200,'Fast':800}; var phraseSpeedOptions = {'Slower':280,'Moderate':200,'Fast':80}; var defaultWordSpeedOption = 'Moderate'; var defaultPhraseSpeedOption = 'Moderate'; var logToLTI = false; $(window).load(function(){ totalPositions = presentation.length; if (totalPositions > 0){ $('body').prepend('
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